Stress and Anxiety Alphabio Centrix patches


This patch is designed to promote calm for those who suffer from physical symptoms caused by intense stress and anxiety that affect the adrenal glands on a day to day coping basis, or when a sudden disturbance or road rage incident happens. Think of Valium in a patch, for immediate calming of disturbing emotions.

Application: Consider using when experiencing: Stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, muscle tension, gastrointestinal disturbances, loss of enthusiasm, mood changes, and fatigue.

Use in conjunction with: Bio Energy Patches that can be used to boost effectiveness and in conjunction with Stress/Anxiety Patches are: All Patches.

Tips: Designed to support the way the brain and body handle stress, anxiety and the resulting depression from an adrenal gland perspective.

Manufactured by: AlphaBio Centrix

40 in stock

Get three sleeves of patches and get $5 off

 Stress and Anxiety Alphabio Centrix patches

Stress has became a big problem in a today’s life and people do not get enough Stress and Anxiety Treatment when the need it the most. We go through stress & anxiety time to time- especially with everything that is presently going on in the world.  Although it can sometimes seem difficult to control our negative emotions. This is really a big issue and here we are to help you!

If you experience symptoms such as heart pounding, breathlessness,  muscle cramping, and  anxiety & hyper tension due to overthinking, fatigue, nausea etc.

Stress can have negative affect on your life, causing symptoms from headaches, high blood pressure and chest pain to heart palpitations, skin rashes, lack of sleep etc. Most of people at the time feel very depressed.

Don’t  panic; we can help you if you want Stress and Anxiety Relief more over it will  soothe both inner and outer state of mind at the difficult times.

Stress has an extremely negative effect not only in our daily life but on our body as well. Therefore, it’s very important to handle the situation properly,

Miracle ll offers you Stress & Anxiety alphabio centrix patches  to help you get relief from these negative feelings  & symptoms.  We are  committed to help you to make you  feel at your best. Shop our packages todays,

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Weight0.01 lbs

Single Patch, 3 Sleeves of patches


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