We'd like to introduce our new product Blessed Sea Salts (TM) to all of our clients
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hese salts come from two very special places on our planet: the Dead Sea in Israel and Brittany, France. Below are therapeutic and healing properties of these salts and how they are being used to heal physical chronic problems. These salts work wonders with the Miracle II products. Since the soap opens all of your pores, you absorb the salts to maximum benefit. Psoriasis and excema sufferers obtain relief from symptoms with these baths, as well as those with fibromyalgia.
Bathing in Dead Sea Salts:
“The beneficial effects of the Dead Sea Salts on the skin and their unique therapeutic and beautifying powers have been recognized since ancient times. Cleopatra, considered the most beautiful woman in the world, went to great expense to obtain exclusive rights over the Dead Sea area. At her command, pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories were built near the Dead Sea. Their remains can still be seen today at Ein Bokek and Ein Gedi.
The use of Dead Sea bath salts at home is an effective way to relax and absorb the minerals of the Dead Sea. Research has proven the efficiency of Dead Sea bath salts in alleviating skin diseases such as psoriasis, by treatment that can be administered at home by using about 2 lbs. for each bath. It is also highly beneficial for relieving muscle tension or for simply relaxing and enjoying a rejuvenating experience.
There’s nothing like a soak in a Dead Sea Salt bath. This practice was once relegated to high-end spas and expensive skin clinic, but now therapeutic salt baths are becoming common practice in homes all across America.
A Sea Salt bath provides a medium for deep relaxation, as well as a feast of minerals for the skin.
Blessed Sea Salts (TM) contain all the minerals of the Dead Sea. Soaking in a bath with Dead Sea Salt is a powerful remedy for healthy skin.
We recommend bathing in Blessed Sea Salts (TM) as one of the primary ways of relaxing, detoxifying, and treating disease. For treatment of illnesses, we recommend adding two pounds of salt to a lukewarm bath. This much is necessary to start changing the skin’s chemistry. The temperature of a healing bath should only be about 2 degrees warmer than the temperature of your body. Hot bath water causes the skin to eliminate instead of absorb, therefore the minerals of the salt cannot be absorbed into the body.
If you want to use salt baths on a regular basis to maintain good health, it is not necessary to use 2 pounds of salt. In using the Blessed Sea Salts (TM), we recommend two handfuls. This is enough salt to feed the body with minerals and maintain a condition of good health.
The waters of the Dead Sea are unique, having a total salt concentration that is 10 times higher than ocean water, reaching 33 % versus 3 %. But that’s not all! The composition of the dead sea salt is also unique, comprising magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides, in addition to a high concentration of bromides.
This extraordinary chemical composition has made the Dead Sea an ideal spot for people seeking relief from skin and rheumatic disorders, and an equally popular choice for vacationers seeking relaxation. In fact, these soothing miracle-working waters have a reputation that dates back over 2000 years when the Roman historian Flavius noted… ‘Dead Sea salt cannot be praised too highly… travelers take this salt home because it heals the human body and is therefore used in many medicines.’
Bringing the Dead Sea’s properties right into the bathtub for relaxation and relief, the widely reputed soothing effects of the Dead Sea can now be enjoyed in the privacy of one’s home. Now every bathtub, hot tub, and whirlpool can be a private spa, brimming with the widely reputed therapeutic benefits of Dead Sea salt and its life giving minerals, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – whenever anyone, anywhere wants relief or relaxation.”
Chemical Composition:
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) 33.3 31.0 – 35.0
Potassium Chloride (KCl) 24.3 20.0 – 28.0
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 5.5 3.0 – 8.0
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 0.2 0.1 – 0.5
Bromide (Br-) 0.5 0.3 – 0.6
Sulphates (SO4) 0.15 0.05 – 0.2
Insolubles 0.03 0 – 0.3
Water of Crystallization 36.4 32.0 – 40.0
Benefits of the Dead Sea Minerals:
Magnesium: Promotes healing of skin tissue and provides skin surface with anti-allergic element. Essential for cell metabolism.
Bromide: Soothes skin, relaxes body muscles, and tranquilizes nerves.
Iodine: Important for the correct functioning of thyroid glad and is an important factor in the body’s metabolic exchanges.
Sulfur: A natural disinfectant (constituent of certain vitamins).
Potassium: A moisture regulator maintains neutral environment in the skin.
Calcium: A building block for corrective tissue under the skin surface.
Sodium: Relieves stiffness and muscle cramps and maintains neutral environment in the skin.
Zinc: A key factor in enzymatic regulation of cell proliferation.
Dead Sea Salt: Research for Seborrhea and Psoriasis Remedies
“Have you heard about the benefits of using Dead Sea bath salts for seborrhea and psoriasis treatment? We have Dead Sea product information to explain the impact the Dead Sea bath salts have upon their users. If you have been looking for natural psoriasis treatment ideas, a possible solution is here. For more information on our Dead Sea product exotic salts as potential psoriasis remedies, read below.
In order to ascertain and confirm the beneficial therapeutic effects of Dead Sea bath salts, a series of clinical research projects were carried out both in Israel and in other countries where the use of salts has become an established practice.
Dr. I. Machtey (1) studied the influences of Dead Sea Bath Salts on rheumatic patients suffering from osteoarthritis or a localized type of tendonitis. 103 patients were treated for one or two weeks with daily Dead Sea Bath Salts in a sanatorium located about 400 m. above sea level. The patients were randomly assigned to one of three types of baths (three sub groups):
Bath treatment with a Dead Sea salt concentration of 7.5%
Baths with a 2% salt concentration.
Baths with a 0.5% salt concentration.
One week of proper treatment resulted in impressive improvement in all parameters in patients receiving 7.5% and 2% bath salt concentration, but little or no improvement was noted in those treated with 0.5% salt concentration. The greater the physical limitations, the more pronounced was the improvement.
Sixty-six patients received two weeks treatment. An additional slight improvement was noted in patients treated with 7.5% or 2% salt concentration, and those having only 0.5% salt baths improved relatively more as compared with the results after the first week of treatment. However most of the results in the 0.5% group were less impressive than those in the higher concentrations.
Over 80% of all the patients reported having less pain, 70% said their mobility improved, and about 60% were able to decrease their use of analgesics. Dr. Machtey concludes his study by stating that “There is little doubt that the Dead Sea treatment in those who benefit from it can be extended and repeated at home using a 2% bath solution, which is both economical and readily available.
A similar study was carried out by Dr. P Engel (2) from the sanatorium clinic of the city of Mayenbad, Bad Waldsee, in Germany. The study was performed with 60 patients whose rheumatic discomfort could not be substantially reduced by the customary balneotherapy of their clinic. The baths with Dead Sea Bath Salts were then prescribed in lieu of additional medicinal therapy. Each patient was treated for a duration of four weeks, with 3 baths per week. Salt concentration was 2.5% (2 Kg per 801. bath), duration of bath 20 minutes, temperature of water 37 C. Parameters examined included: Pain at rest, spontaneous pain, kinesalgia, pain on pressure and reduced mobility.
The summary of results showed the following:
- 76.2% of cases very good therapeutic results were obtained
- 10.2% of cases responded moderately well
- 13.6% of cases no success was noted
Dr. J. Arndt, from Germany (3) made a study of the effect of Dead Sea Bath Salts on patients suffering from psoriasis. Fifty patients, aged between 14 and 77 years were treated with the salts in a controlled way. Treatment consisted of partial or total baths. For a total bath, 2 Kg of the salts were dissolved in a bath at a temperature of 27 C. The partial baths were made with a concentration of about 10%. The baths lasted for 20 minutes and afterwards the skin was thoroughly rinsed with running water. The effect is enhanced when the patient remains in a warm packed condition for one hour after the bath.
The treatment lasted for 3-4 weeks, with 3-4 baths per week. The results show that most symptoms of the illness diminished within one week of treatment, notably itch, scaling joint complaints, and the falling asleep and sleeping through difficulties. Other parameters such as spread , redness and infiltration decreased somewhat more slowly. Improvement was steady-the four week treatment left the patients essentially free from complaints.
Dr. Arndt points out that of particular importance from the patients point of view is the rapid relief from such irritating system as itching. There is a corresponding relief from sleeping disturbances, which were rather wide-spread prior to treatment. The drastic decrease in scaling within one week can be interpreted by physician and patient alike as a further proof of the course outlined above: healing was total in 27 patients (54%), whereas in 22 cases there was a marked impressive improvement. Tolerance was excellent in all 50 cases. There were no side effects whatsoever, dermatological or otherwise.”
- “Dead Sea Balneotherapy in Osteoarthritis”, Dr. Machtey (Hasharon Hospital, Petach-Tikya, Isreal). ” Published in Proceedings of International Seminar on Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases”, John Wright, PSG Inc. (1982).
- “On the Therapy of Rheumatic Illness with Medical Bathing Salts from the Dead Sea”, Dr. P. Engel (Sanatorium Clinic of the City of Mayenbad, Bad Waldsee, FRG). Published in Acta Medica Empirica, 31, 374 (April 1982).
- “Salt from the Promised Land Helps Psoriasis Patients”, Dr. J. Arndt, Published in Arztliche Praxis, vol. 34, No. 48, 1920,(15.6.1982).”
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